The Trying Not to Hate Christmas Art Sale
Update: Thank you for everyone who supported Home Away Boston and donating your hard earned money to their very worthy cause! We raised $195 dollars, and it brought a lot of cheer to this grinch's heart. Thanks everyone!
Christmas. A truly challenging holiday.
Like most holidays, the theory of it is truly great. At the darkest, coldest time of year we gather with friends and family to eat and drink and share gifts in celebration of (something about a homeless miracle baby). Truly timeless. And yeah, man, there's nothing wrong with that. A lot of people (myself included) even get to have that nice warm time with nice warm people.
But even the most deliriously joyous amongst us can't help but have difficulty keeping up the holiday spirit this time of year. Before the grand pay-off of figgy(sp) pudding and spiked eggnog at the end of the month there's a lot of... not so great that happens. Swarms of shoppers taking to malls and shopping centers like zombies, stampeding door buster sales, jammed parking lots, icy roads... it just doesn't FEEL like the most wonderful time of the year.
But the important thing to remember when you're a middle class white dude such as myself is that a lot of other people have it worse. Some people aren't going to get the grand pay-off, they're not going to be in the comfort of their own homes opening presents. And sadly, they might not even have the guarantee that they'll get to try again next year.
In my other life as a middle manager in a children's attraction I've had the pleasure of working with a number of charity organizations, and one in particular seems particularly important in times like these. Home Away Boston is a non-profit organization that provides apartment facilities to families visiting Boston so their children can receive life saving treatment for potentially terminal illnesses. Boston is one of the best cities in the world for health care and medical science, and families often struggle to pay for housing and travel to come here, on top of their already insurmountably expensive medical costs. Having to worry about money when your child is fighting for their life is a struggle no parent should have to take on alone, and Home Away Boston does a great job of providing comfortable, cozy apartment spaces to take just a little bit of the stress off of these parent's shoulders. They're great people who really just want to help.
So between now and Christmas I'm going to be selling pieces of art from my past and donating 100% of the proceeds to Home Away Boston, so they can keep making holidays like Christmas a little easier on families from all around the world.
Each of the pieces below are original works of art that I made with my own two, grizzled, fists. I'd like to give them a good home at your place, hanging on a wall above your artisanal log collection. The prices are negotiable, but all of the money is going to the charity (except the last thing on the list I'm sorry it was expensive). If you're interested, just send me an email at and I'll get it to you. If I can give it you personally I will, if not, I'll probably have to charge you for shipping. Sorry, I'm not running a charity here. I'm just donating to one.
If you're not able to purchase anything below or you just don't like any of them (dick) consider donating to Home Away Boston here. Thanks for taking a look, and happy holidays.

On Santa's 6
Art Markers on Bristol, paint, Unframed
This is about as holy jolly as I can usually get about Christmas. Made way back in December of 2012.
This one is pretty tiny, the original is post card sized at 4"x6". Available for $30.
Camp Kringle Lake
Art Markers on Bristol, Unframed
This one I made because there was a Friday the 13th right before Christmas and I'm a reeeeeeal clever guy. You may know it as the most popular thing I've ever posted on Tumblr. 15 notes.
It's 4.5"x7" and would look great in any house that aspires to make children uncomfortable. It's available to you for just $30.

I lied about the wine.
Good ol' ink on bristol, Unframed
Interestingly, it's said that Poe wrote the Cask of Amontillado after being inspired by the story of a man being sealed into a chamber beneath Boston's own Castle Island. Total bummer for that guy, but a fascinating little historical anecdote for the rest of us.
This is an ink drawing and I think it came out pretty good. It's from this year, a few months ago. It's 6" x 12" and I guess it's good to know that the original has blue line pencil still present on it because that's how I roll. Just $30.
Halloween Before Sunset
Art Markers on Bristol, Unframed

Space Staycation
Art markers on bristol, Unframed
If it isn't obvious, I'm making these titles up as I go.
I always kinda liked this one, it was fun to put some thought into designing the compartments and stuff. I don't know what the red button dose.
It's more or less 7"x10" but really that's tough to say because it doesn't really have borders exactly. Just $30.
Early Shift
Art Markers on Bristol, Unframed

Is This Your Card
Art markers on bristol, Unframed
This is a cute little illustration and it's a great gift for the creepy occultist in your life.
It's pretty tiny at 4"x11" and will only run ya $20.
You Know His Name
Art Markers on Bristol, Unframed

Hold the Fort
Art markers on bristol, Unframed
I'm pretty sure I was more or less watching a lot of Supernatural when this one went down, hence the squirt gun full of holy water and the salt circle. Anyway, if you buy it, you get to make up the story.
It's about 8"x11" and costs $25.
Helen Powerchord in Space
Art Markers on Bristol, Unframed
Helen Powerchord was invented by my great and powerful friend Andrea York, but I borrow her sometimes. Here she is in space.
it's 8.5"x 11" and Available for $25. Unless Yorkie wants it in which case she can have it for whatever she wants to donate.

Keep Grounded
Art markers on bristol, Unframed
Bones and Roses
Art Markers and Colored Pencil on Bristol, Unframed

Dress Up
Art markers on bristol, Unframed
Ink on Bristol, Unframed
Made as a commission for my friend and former coworker, Clark.
It's 5.5"x 12" and Available for $15.

Inktober 2015 Hand-bound Books
This October I made 13 limited edition hand-bound books collecting all of the illustrations from 2015's Inktober. They're pretty handsome little books if I do say so myself, and they'll never be recreated. If that wasn't cool enough, each book comes with a sealed envelope containing one original piece from Inktober. Not a print, the real thing.
So as mentioned in the original post, I can't donate all of the proceeds from this because honestly they were kind of expensive to make. So though these books are available for the crazy low price of $30 each, $10 from each sale will go to Home Away Boston. There's only a few left, so email me if you want one.